Sunday, July 14, 2013

Parents attire in a wedding.

Mother's and Father's of the wedding couple. This is your children's day, but you have the right to shine too. Parents and Stepparents should choose clothing in keeping with the style of the wedding. Comfort matters as well, since you're likely to be busy for the entire event, So select garments that feel and fit as good as they look.

Fashionable Mother-of-the-Bride (and the Groom) outfits. Whatever the formality are generally easier to find today than in the past. When even youthful mothers were expected to appear matronly. No one now expects mothers to look anything other than their age, still  there are a few issues of dress etiquette to remember.

  • Try not to wear colors that are the same as or very similar to the bride or bridesmaid's dresses. If you want a light color look for pastels and light or medium tones than white.
  • It's preferable that mothers wear different colors, so consult with the other mother and or stepmother about color. Hopefully, everyone is on good terms, and you can discuss your plans so that each mother will be both distinctive and comfortable with her choice attire.
  • The length of your gown or dress is your choice, even for formal weddings, long dresses and skirts are fine for any wedding from noon on. Mother's of the Bride and Groom do not have to wear the same length, tough many do, feeling that the same length creates a more harmonious look, especially in wedding photos.

  • Gloves and Hats or Headpieces are normally worn for formal weddings but are optional otherwise. So be guided by the Bride's preference and any religious requirements. Gloves are worn for receiving lines but can be removed afterward and are always taken off when eating.

When they participate in the ceremony, fathers and stepfathers almost always wear the same outfit as the groom's attendants. This is also the case for any man who escorts the bride down the aisle.

When the father of the groom doesn't have an active role he can either match the formality of the of the male attendants or "dress down" a bit. Choosing a tuxedo or dark suit instead of more formal attire, but if the groom's father is to be in The receiving line, his outfit will often conform to that of the brides father or groomsmen.

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