Sunday, August 11, 2013

What to do with a demanding Bride?

It's understanding that Bride's want their wedding day to be perfect, but some get carried away and obsess about details. Your situation could be worse, there are Bride's who have told their attendants to Lose weight, have their teeth capped, hold off getting pregnant or undergo skin treatments, even as extreme as plastic surgery before the wedding.

If this is your situation, you and the other attendants should meet with the Bride now and talk about your issues. Be as kind as you can, she may not realize that her instructions are excessive, but let her know that you are united. Explain you objections clearly and rationally, look for some compromise. You'll be glad to discuss make up and hairstyles; suggestions even, but the final choice is up to you. You might bring up cost but don't let it be your main issue, If the bride says she pay you back.

For the discussion to go well, be prepared with Positive and Negative comments. A few well deserved compliments can do wonders if she reacts badly. Give her time to calm down and think. If she still insists on having it her way you have Two choices. Go along with it graciously or Get out amiably. Though hopefully it won't come to that point. Should you decide to resign, avoid blaming or saying anything that could end friendship. Good people can do very foolish things under stress and your friend may someday regret her imperious (rude) behavior. Whatever you decide the goal is to create a look for the entire wedding party that is harmonious and suitable for the occasion.

There are many decisions to be made as a Bride.For EG. Reception decisions:
  • Where will you hold the reception.
  • How will you work with your vendors.
  • What type of Food service will you have.
  • What type of beverage service.
  • How will you handle seating arrangements.
  • Transportation: How will you and the wedding party get from the ceremony to the reception.
The goal of a wedding is two fold. To create a Celebratory atmosphere and to ensure the physical and emotional comfort of your guests. The Success of the wedding depends on the choices you make as a Bride.

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