Thursday, November 14, 2013

Helpful Tips & Surprising Foods to Skip.

Avoid bloating during your wedding week. 

Sugar-free anything:
Artificial sweeteners like sorbitol and Aspartame are crazy hard to digest. Fizzy diet soda is doubly nasty. “Bubbles equal gas” says Los Angeles Nutritionist Jackie Keller.

Lose that pack of spearmint! Every time you chew you’re swallowing air and puffing up your belly.

Red Wine:
Beer will expand your waistline, but a glass of cabernet turns out red wine contains unfermented yeast. A notorious bloater “because it’s less processed than the high-end stuff is especially bad. Booze bloats the belly and face, so hold off until the toasts.

Dried Fruits:
Packed with vitamins & minerals, these portable treats should in theory make the perfect snack, not so much. They’re basically concentrated bundles of fructose, a kind of sugar that causes water retention and gas.

Cheddar & Other super salty cheese:
According to a U.K. Health study, cheddar has more salt per ounce that potato chips and feta and Roquefort are saltier than seawater. Sodium makes the body hold water. Definitely something to avoid. If cheese is your weakness, stick to varieties with lower salt content, like Mozzarella, Swiss or Goat.

Raw Veggies:
Super foods can also make your super bloated. Take cruciferous vegetables like kale, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, broccoli they’re loaded with cellulose, a type of fiber our stomachs struggle to break down, consider switching to water rich vegetables like celery, cucumber and asparagus. Just before your wedding. Take them they act as a diuretic so you actually shed water weight.

Hot Tip:
Cooking your veggies breaks down some of that fiber making them much easier to digest.

Tip: Gluten products are so good.  For the gluten crackers, bagels, breads. Gluten-free products generally leave you feeling bloated. Eat healthy and enjoy your day. A healthy body is a sign of a good healthy life.   

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